Exchange Autodiscover :: Love it, Because You Can’t Leave it

By Ruby Nahal, Systems Engineer Out of Sight, Out of Mind The days of ignoring the Outlook Exchange Autodiscover setup are long gone, friends. Historically, if you were using Exchange 2010 and did not have any remote users, there were tweaks you could make to suppress the Autodiscover errors so you could get away without… Read more »

Josh Erdman Pays it Forward Armed with Passion + A Marshmallow Gun

 By April Cole Worley One of These Things… Josh was a technology-loving child of technophobes. Remember that song in Sesame Street “One of these things is not like the others”? Well, that about sums up Josh’s childhood. And it is not easy being the “one thing” unlike the others; particularly if you live on five… Read more »

Time for a Reality Check

By Russ Levanway, CEO This week, several members of our leadership team will attend two different conferences, both of which are peer-driven. One is a vendor conference where we’ll learn about technologies that will take our services to the next level. We’ll attend with a couple hundred other IT companies, sharing notes and information about… Read more »

HOW TO // How To Form a Client Advisory Committee that Works

By Jeremy Koellish, COO When you first start a business, it feels like your baby. You’re tired and excited and every time you look at her you swell with pride because she is beautiful and special (even if her head is a little coned and her cry sounds like a squeaky door). But a business is… Read more »

How to disarm VMware’s Snapshot Time Bomb

By Ruby Nahal, Systems Engineer A rose by any other name I, like many techs, think VMware’s “snapshot” is a pretty slick feature. I just think it should have been named something else. See, when it comes to functionality, VMware did not stick to the industry standard of what most of us regard as a… Read more »

Beware Ransomware // Be the Cat, not the Mouse

By John Lim, CTO Memories for Ransom I have a question for you: If someone held your wedding photos ransom, how much would you be willing to pay to get them back? Here’s a different question: How much would you be willing to pay to ensure you never have to make that kind of decision?… Read more »

CIO Solutions Recognized for Excellence in Managed IT Services

Santa Barbara, CA, February 16, 2016 – CIO Solutions, announced today that CRN, a brand of The Channel Company, has named CIO Solutions to its 2016 Managed Service Provider (MSP) 500 list in the MSP Pioneer 250 category. This annual list recognizes North American solution providers with cutting-edge approaches to delivering managed services. Their top-notch… Read more »

HOW TO // How to get out of a Rut

By Jeremy Koellish, COO Here’s how it starts: You’re presented with a problem and your mind instantly begins to work at it like a reflex instead of the complex wonder machine it actually is. You find you’re going nowhere fast and you wonder why. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, there’s a term for it – it’s… Read more »

Ruby Takes Flight

By April Cole Worley Prodigal Sun The day Ruby was born her aunt cried. But not for the reasons someone raised in the West would understand. The tears were traditional in nature, for it was customary in India to cry at the birth of girl babies and celebrate the birth of boy babies. But Ruby’s… Read more »

United States vs. Apple :: Taking a Stand

By Russ Levanway Rhetoric vs. Reality The standoff between Apple and the FBI over access to the iPhone used by Syed Rizwan Farook in the San Bernardino mass shooting last December is a polarizing case. In the media, the rhetoric has primarily hinged on a question of safety vs. privacy: Should the government have backdoor… Read more »