By Ruby Nahal, Systems Engineer Remote desktop access is the easiest way to work remotely. No doubt about that. And mostly everyone with remote users has direct RDP and of those, most are aware how risky it is to open a hole in your firewall for a direct RDP connection with no encryption or any… Read more »
Category: Articles
By Jeremy Koellish, COO Writing a post about getting the most out of your tech support may seem silly to you, like providing tips on how to order a pizza or most efficiently open an envelope. But trust me, there are a few rules of engagement that when kept in mind, can help you get… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO The 3 ‘R’s With the roll-out of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (aka “Obamacare”) over the last several years, the healthcare industry has experienced massive changes, many of them regulatory-driven. The requirements of ICD-10, HIPAA, “meaningful use” and now the up-and-coming Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) going into effect January 1st,… Read more »
By Ruby Nahal, Systems Engineer If you’ve been in IT for a while like I have, you know that over the years, the amount of data organizations accrue has grown exponentially. Each business has a virtual library of information that they must dig through to find exactly what they are looking for – a task… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO Client vs. Customer The last several weeks have been rough at the TekTegrity Help Desk – the usual summer vacation schedule has been made even more challenging due to broken legs, sudden moves, and summer colds. These things can put a strain on client service in the interim, but don’t speak… Read more »
By Jeremy Koellish, COO The business world is full of chatter (published and otherwise) on management and leadership. Blog posts flood social media channels with catchy titles and inspirational imagery, and you can’t walk through a Barnes & Noble without at least one “expert” locking eyes with you from the back of a dust jacket…. Read more »
By Ruby Nahal, Systems Engineer From Demon to Delight Any Citrix administrator will tell you that printing in a Citrix environment can range from being a complete nightmare to absolutely dreamy. And what, might you ask, causes this wide range of experiences? Well, I hate to point fingers… but chances are it’s not Citrix. Every… Read more »
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, JUNE 29, 2016 – TekTegrity announced today the company took home a Golden Datto award, signed by Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak, in the Community Partner of the Year category during DattoCon, Datto’s annual partner conference, in Nashville. TN. The Golden Datto awards recognize the outstanding accomplishments of Datto’s partner community. Given across… Read more »
By Jeremy Koellish, COO If I were to ask a room full of you and all your friends what the “golden rule” of customer service is undoubtedly the majority would shout out in unison, “the customer is always right”. I mean we were all given that directive from a boss at some point in time… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO Known Unknowns We specialize in IT. And we have spent over a decade working hard to become specialists in IT. However, when it comes to accounting advice, legal advice, insurance, telecom solutions, custodial services, you name it, we rely on the experts. In some of these areas, we may perform a… Read more »