By Russ Levanway, CEO The Future Will Be Built on Tech I believe there’s going to be a sea change in the workforce. But I don’t think that necessarily means we’re going to have the chronic, long-term unemployment that so many fear if we play our cards right and start training American workers to meet… Read more »
Author: Russ Levanway
By Russ Levanway, CEO Action = Reaction Recent events have tested the resolve of our mission ‘Productivity Enhanced, Lives Enriched’ and we’ve decided to do something about it. The increasingly relevant upswing of recent cyber attacks culminated last month in what is now known as the largest ransomware attack to date. WannaCry crippled computers worldwide, taking out… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO I recently returned from an HTG Peer Group conference where I met with a number of my colleagues from around the country to discuss trends in technology and business. Over the course of the conference, a very hot topic emerged: the benefits and liabilities of encryption. Not that long ago, most… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO So you’ve identified your company’s mission. Now, are you ready to defend it? As times have changed, a lot of what we buy has a very limited lifespan and is not easy to repair. “They don’t make it like they used to” is actually quite accurate. The phone in your pocket… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO Asset or Liability? Once upon a time, people came to IT companies like us to do two basic things: 1) take care of their computers and 2) upgrade their equipment. IT was essentially an expense line to buy and maintain hardware and software. In other words, a liability. As times have… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO By now, you’ve probably heard of the Internet of Things (IoT) in which all the devices we’re accustomed to using at home and at the office will eventually be designed “smart,” connecting and reporting to the internet. Examples include smart thermostats like Nest, refrigerators with internal cameras that show remote users… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO Each December, announcing trends for the coming year is standard operating procedure for the IT media. Journalists and insiders always predict a sea change in how people work and what they do; if you go back a few years, the prevailing trends include the move to mobile and how everything is… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO Now that the election is over maybe it’s finally safe to talk about something that’s been on my mind. I didn’t want to touch it with a ten-foot pole, but it’s obviously very relevant to IT and our industry: I’m talking about Hillary’s emails. As a tech person, I was very… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO Numbers Don’t Lie According to a study performed by the IT industry trade association CompTIA, “Roughly 4 in 10 end users think the method in which their IT is managed is working fine as currently structured, but a NET 61% believe there is room for improvement, including 9% that said IT… Read more »
By Russ Levanway, CEO To a lot of businesses, migrating from a server to the cloud seems like a no-brainer. It can cost less money, require less support, and use less hardware because space is essentially on loan as part of the shared economy. What’s not to like? At TekTegrity, we see the benefits of… Read more »