The law offices of Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld enjoy increased productivity due to CIO Solutions effective and friendly support team.
Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld was founded in 1956 in Santa Barbara, CA. For the last 63 years, their mission, ‘Relentless commitment to protect our clients’ rights. Always.’ has been the cornerstone of their practice.
At the beginning, their practice specialized in workers’ compensation. From this focus on advocating for the rights of California workers, the practice expanded to include social security disability, personal injury, catastrophic and complex injuries, and employment law (among other things).
Today, Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld serves clients throughout California’s Central Coast and Central Valley. With 4 offices (Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Oxnard, and Bakersfield) and nearly 30 employees, they are able to live out their mission statement and advocate for more clients than ever before.
When Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld previously assessed their technology needs, they had one office and only six employees.
With an expanding staff and multiple offices, the growing demand on their IT needs became increasingly apparent.
With the Firm Administrator as the designated point of contact for IT issues, employees would bring their concerns to her, and she would relay those items to the current IT company, coordinating all additional communication until the issue was resolved.
They came to the realization that in order to address the technical needs of this level of operations, a robust support team would be a better solution than overloading a valuable internal resource whose time could be better spent focusing on the intended role and firm’s needs rather than an expertise she didn’t possess.
When making the decision to transition their IT needs to CIO Solutions, Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld had the following priorities:
- Remove the task of IT coordination from the Firm Administrator (letting her get back to normal work).
- Increase the ability of their staff to obtain technical assistance and get back to work (same-day response)
- Optimize their current technology solutions so that their team could work consistently and effectively
To accomplish this, CIO Solutions’ onboarding team worked with the firm to address operational pain points, transition their operations under CIO’s management, and provide resources to the staff to encourage them to reach out to CIO Solutions’ support team rather than the firm administrator for their daily IT needs.
It didn’t take long for Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld to start noticing the productivity that working with CIO Solutions has enabled. When their staff runs into an issue, they can simply contact the CIO Solutions’ support team and get help right away. A technician is always able and equipped to help due to the size of the team.
They note that “CIO Solutions’ support team rocks! Most of them are just over the top good. They are friendly, patient, funny, kind, and they are so knowledgeable.” “They follow up and make sure the issues get resolved.” With a large support team and deep bench of technical talent, CIO Solutions has been able to solve big pain point issues as well as day-to-day IT needs. This enables Ghitterman, Ghitterman & Feld to work productively and serve their community of clients.
“I would absolutely recommend CIO Solutions.
In fact, I just joined an association for legal firm administrators and intend to tell them all about CIO because you guys have saved at least 10 hours a week of my time and enabled me to do my real job, making our technology experience so smooth.
In my mind, it’s worth every penny.”
– Kaylen Steele, Firm Administrator